Transmute Vocabulary



A secure statement that an Endorser vouches for the integrity of an Attester’s various capabilities such as Claims collection and Evidence signing.

An Endorsement is a secure statement that some entity (e.g., a manufacturer) vouches for the integrity of the device’s various capabilities such as claims collection, signing, launching code, transitioning to other environments, storing secrets, and more.


Endorsers are supply chain entities that supply Endorsements to Verifiers (see Figure 1). Some examples of supply chain entities are device manufacturers, original component manufacturers (OCMs), original device manufacturers (ODMs), original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), firmware vendors, software vendors, pre-release validators, post-release validators, test labs, and quality compliance labs. Some Endorsers define and create components and other ingredients that make up a device (or platform, see 2). The device, as the Attester, supplies Evidence that a Verifier uses to appraise the Attester’s trustworthiness. The Verifier compares the Claims in Evidence with Endorsements to determine whether the expected Reference Values and Endorsed Values differ from the actual values in Evidence.



